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What You'll Find in Genesis Curriculum

  • All subjects inspired by the daily Bible reading

  • Daily Bible reading and memory verse practice using the NASB

  • Spelling, vocabulary and grammar: lessons, practice, review activities

  • Writing lessons and daily practice through writing, worksheets and editing

  • Science and social studies lessons with Recall and Explore More

  • Discussion questions

  • Review weeks with worksheets and activities

  • End of the year projects, allowing you to use from 145-180 days' worth of material

  • Made for elementary and middle school students to use together

  • Everyone does the same work with alternatives for younger users

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This is the first year of the curriculum. It can also be taken in the third year.


All Things Genesis

This should follow Genesis. It continues the Hebrew and refers to things covered in Genesis.


All Things Exodus

This is the third year of the curriculum. It can also be taken in the first year.


All Things Matthew

This should follow Matthew. It continues Greek and refers to things covered in Matthew.  


All Things Acts

Learn about the curriculum

The Genesis Curriculum is a full school year of ready-to-go lessons for your homeschool, all based on a book of the Bible. New lessons end after 145 days and are followed by review projects laid out to a full 180 days. The projects can be used as desired but can be skipped as needed without missing any new material. 


This homeschool curriculum was created to be used together as a family, one-room schoolhouse style. Everyone can work on their own level and participate how they are able. It was written for elementary and middle school students. There are "Explore More" topics with each lesson for the interested or for high school students who should go deeper. Mom, or homeschool teacher, can just read the prepared lesson or add in her own creative ideas right into the lesson. Both work just as well with this curriculum.

Daily lessons include: a reading from the book of Bible you are using that year, a weekly memory verse with built in review, spelling and vocabulary with words from the day's reading (for the most part), learning a Biblical language, science and social studies lessons inspired by the day's reading, a discussion question and writing. Grammar lessons are included with the vocabulary and the writing.


Students will respond orally in the daily lessons, but they will have two-week reviews scattered throughout the year where they will complete activities in their workbook. I don't like ruts and these review weeks are a chance to mix it up. They won't only be using their workbooks but will do things like play vocabulary charades and basketball science review and hide-and-seek spelling. There is also a weekly workbook page called "Writing Sentences" which is used to develop great writing skills. Students will write non-fiction and creative pieces and will have one day a week to edit their own work and produce a final draft.


This curriculum is for the relaxed homeschooler. I'm not following anybody's list of what you should learn. I'm taking all my inspiration from the Scripture. This curriculum was born out of a time of prayer and fasting, and I'm using it myself. I don't expect much from my youngest, but he loves to chime in and guess at the answers.


You will begin at either Genesis or Matthew and then move forward from there. There are four years of curriculum and you would rotate through them twice over eight years. New students can join in at any time since there are no levels to be concerned about. 


That all said, I created Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool, and I know what they learn in different levels there. I want to keep this curriculum so that they could switch into Easy Peasy (EP) at any time life makes that preferable. To facilitate that you could use our Genesis Curriculum Rainbow Readers which use the same books as EP. You could also use EP for the one-a-day extras which includes music, art, computer, thinking and PE/health. Genesis Curriculum science and social studies topics come from all four of EP's main themes such as biology or early American history. This is NOT a unit study.



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